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6 years ago: February 18, 2019

I was asked to do a Pecha Kucha talk at our local Gallery, Gallery One. What a mind bending experience, I said yes right away not really knowing what I was saying yes to. I like a challance. For me the best part of the whole thing was the getting ready for it and the people I met who also poke on the same night. Take a listen.

PechaKucha (Japanese: ぺちゃくちゃ, IPA: [petɕa kɯ̥tɕa], chit-chat) is a presentation style in which 20 slides are shown for 20 seconds each (6 minutes and 40 seconds in total). The format, which keeps presentations concise and fast-paced, powers multiple-speaker events calledPechaKucha Nights (PKNs).

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